The carousel component is built using the Embla Carousel library.
CLI Manual
bunx --bun @uplusion23/forge-ui add carousel
import {
} from "@/components/ui/carousel"
< Carousel >
< CarouselContent >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
< CarouselPrevious />
< CarouselNext />
</ Carousel >
To set the size of the items, you can use the basis
utility class on the <CarouselItem />
Example // 33% of the carousel width.
< Carousel >
< CarouselContent >
< CarouselItem className = "basis-1/3" >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem className = "basis-1/3" >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem className = "basis-1/3" >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
</ Carousel >
Responsive // 50% on small screens and 33% on larger screens.
< Carousel >
< CarouselContent >
< CarouselItem className = "md:basis-1/2 lg:basis-1/3" >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem className = "md:basis-1/2 lg:basis-1/3" >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem className = "md:basis-1/2 lg:basis-1/3" >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
</ Carousel >
To set the spacing between the items, we use a pl-[VALUE]
utility on the <CarouselItem />
and a negative -ml-[VALUE]
on the <CarouselContent />
Why: I tried to use the gap
property or a grid
layout on the <CarouselContent />
but it required a lot of math and mental effort to get the
spacing right. I found pl-[VALUE]
and -ml-[VALUE]
utilities much easier to
You can always adjust this in your own project if you need to.
Example < Carousel >
< CarouselContent className = " -ml-4 " >
< CarouselItem className = " pl-4 " >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem className = " pl-4 " >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem className = " pl-4 " >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
</ Carousel >
Responsive < Carousel >
< CarouselContent className = " -ml-2 md:-ml-4 " >
< CarouselItem className = " pl-2 md:pl-4 " >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem className = " pl-2 md:pl-4 " >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem className = " pl-2 md:pl-4 " >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
</ Carousel >
Use the orientation
prop to set the orientation of the carousel.
< Carousel orientation = " vertical | horizontal " >
< CarouselContent >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
</ Carousel >
You can pass options to the carousel using the opts
prop. See the Embla Carousel docs for more information.
< Carousel
opts ={ {
align: "start" ,
loop: true ,
} }
< CarouselContent >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
</ Carousel >
Use a state and the setApi
props to get an instance of the carousel API.
import { type CarouselApi } from "@/components/ui/carousel"
export function Example () {
const [ api , setApi ] = React. useState < CarouselApi >()
const [ current , setCurrent ] = React. useState ( 0 )
const [ count , setCount ] = React. useState ( 0 )
React. useEffect (() => {
if ( ! api) {
setCount (api. scrollSnapList (). length )
setCurrent (api. selectedScrollSnap () + 1 )
api. on ( "select" , () => {
setCurrent (api. selectedScrollSnap () + 1 )
}, [api])
return (
< Carousel setApi ={ setApi } >
< CarouselContent >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
</ Carousel >
You can listen to events using the api instance from setApi
import { type CarouselApi } from "@/components/ui/carousel"
export function Example () {
const [ api , setApi ] = React. useState < CarouselApi >()
React. useEffect (() => {
if ( ! api) {
api. on ( "select" , () => {
// Do something on select.
}, [api])
return (
< Carousel setApi ={ setApi } >
< CarouselContent >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
< CarouselItem >...</ CarouselItem >
</ CarouselContent >
</ Carousel >
See the Embla Carousel docs for more information on using events.
You can use the plugins
prop to add plugins to the carousel.
import Autoplay from "embla-carousel-autoplay"
export function Example () {
return (
< Carousel
plugins = {[
Autoplay ({
delay: 2000 ,
// ...
See the Embla Carousel docs for more information on using plugins.